Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This past weekend Jeff and I went to Madrid and had to board Sasha for the first time.  After my extensive research on where to board her, we decided to go with a facility our vet recommended.  It is located about 15 miles from our home, in the country.  Well it isn't the country per say, more like a suburb of Barcelona. 

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that most boarders offer pick-up/drop-off service for an extra fee, which is great for us since we don't have a car.  Although, since it was her first time this facility wanted me to bring her along with her paperwork.  So how do I get myself and Sasha to the facility?  Excellent question...I had 3 options.  First, call a pet transport company to see if they can take Sasha and myself to the facility and return me to Barcelona.  Second, call a pet transportation company to see if they can take Sasha to the facility and I will take a regular taxi to the facility.  Lastly, convince a regular taxi driver to take Sasha and myself to the facility.   My only concern was how I am going to find a regular taxi to take Sasha since accepting dogs it is the discretion of each driver.  After emailing a few pet transportation companies I was unable to secure a ride on Friday. 

So Thursday night Sasha and I walked over to the taxi stand near the Hilton Hotel, located a few blocks from our apartment.  I wanted to ask a taxi if he/she would be willing to take Sasha and myself to the boarding facility the next morning.  Mind you...I have to have this conversation in Spanish.  So I walked up to the first taxi driver I saw that was walking around near his taxi and asked him.  To my surprise he said yes!  So we exchanged names and phone numbers and set up a time Friday morning.  He even said he would give me a Spanish lesson during our drive.  I called him Friday morning and he came by to pick Sasha and myself up.  Sasha was excited when I mentioned a car ride, but little did she know where she was headed. 
Here she is in the taxi.
So we finally arrive at the boarders after asking 3 people for directions, including the local police officers.  While I checked Sasha in the taxi driver waited for me and within 10 minutes I was on my way back to our apartment.  Of course, we did have to stop on our way back to the city for a coffee.  I guess the driver was hungry since he started work 6 hours earlier and had nothing to eat.  So he had a sandwich with a non-alcoholic beer and I had a coffee, only in Spain.

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